Jason D. Hildebrand

I live in Winnipeg with my partner Katharina, and our cat Matilda. Katharina is doing graphic design at Mennonite Church Canada, and I'm working for PeaceWorks.
I used to live in Waterloo, and during my time there I became involved with a group a radical idealists. We banded together under the tongue-in-cheek title "Ruah Syndicate", purchased a large house, and moved in together to form an intentional community. This was an exercise in using fewer resources by sharing our living space, an exercise in defiance of individualism and single-family-dwellings, an exercise in consensus building, eating, singing, gardening and plumbing. It was an ambitious project, and at times we met our limits. But I believe we also met God through each other and through our experiences together.

I've lived a total of about 2 1/2 years in Germany between 1996 and 2001, originally on the Intermenno exchange program (that's where I got to know Katharina), and later on work terms. I spent several months in 2001 working at web.de in Karlsruhe.
During my years in Waterloo I studied Math and Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.
I enjoy cooking, especially Indian curries, riding my bike for both enjoyment and transportation (at the same time!), singing and writing music, and both using and contributing to free software. As a matter of fact, I use almost no proprietary software at all.
Katharina and I visit my parents at their farm as often as we can make it out.